• Help yourself and animals in one way... By saving water day by day
  • Hope and happiness in every drop, save water non-stop!
  • Water, water, everywhere, let's save some so there's enough to share.
  • We are one mighty big nation, so let's save water for our next generation!

Fees & Charges

A. For New Residential Connection:

DescriptionAlong the RoadAccros the Road
 1. Registration FeeP 500.00 P 500.00 
 2. Inspection / Investigation Fee100.00 100.00 
 3. Water Meter Maintenance Fee900.00 900.00 
 4. Installation /Tapping Fee for different surface materials (labor only)  
          a. Earth500.00 1,000.00 
          b. Gravel500.00 1,000.00 
          c. Concrete per layer750.00 1,000.00 
          d. Asphalt per layer750.00 1,000.00 
 5. Boring Fee 1,000.00 
 6. Concrete / Asphalt Breaking Fee  
          a. Concrete thickness - cost per L.M.  
              1) 2" - 3"200.00 200.00 
              2) 4"350.00 350.00 
              3) 6"500.00 500.00 
              4) 8"850.00 850.00 
          b. Asphlat - P 250.00 per L.M.  
 7. Restoration Fee  
          Pavement thickness - cost per L.M.  
              a. 2" - 3"160.00 160.00 
              b. 4"200.00 200.00 
              c. 6"240.00 240.00 
              d. 8"320.00 320.00 

B. For Re-opening of Closed Connection:

 Reconnection Fee 
   a. Disconnected service line 
      1) At meter stand500.00 
      2) At main line1,000.00 
   b. Voluntary disconnected 
      1) Disconnected within 6 months200.00 
      2) Disconnected from 6 months to 1 year500.00 
      2) Disconnected after 1 year2,000.00 
   c. Reconnected within 1 day (24hrs)P 300.00 

C. For Repair of Leaking Service Connection: (cost of materials should be shouldered by the applicants)

   1. Pipe Repair200.00 
   2. Gasket Replacement100.00 
   3. Gate Valve Replacement100.00 
   4. Faucet100.00 
   5. Re-tapping / Re-installation2,000.00 

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